All the specialties for your eye diseases
Retina and Vitreous
Diabetes and hypertension

The Retina is the most important part of the posterior segment of the eye, it is responsible for transferring the light it receives and sending it to the brain through the optic nerve and converting it into images.
The retina is a sensitive membranous structure that covers the inner part of the eyeball, making possible the different types of visual function.

Normal vision

Vision with floating spots (retinal detachment)
What could be the reasons?
There are several diseases that may make it necessary to perform retinal surgery, the most common are:
- Retinal detachment
It occurs when holes or tears form in the retina and cause it to detach.
- Diabetic or hypertensive retinopathy
They can cause bleeding inside the eye that makes surgery necessary, or there may even be a retinal detachment.
- Epiretinal membranes
Depending on the characteristics of this and the formation of traction, they may require surgical treatment.
- Macular hole
It is the formation of a hole in the center of the retina that depending on the classification and the patient’s conditions, surgery may be necessary to treat them.

Dra. Lilyan León
Retina and Vitreous

Dra. Andrea Cárdenas
Retina and Vitreous

Dra. Sonali Campos
Retina and Vitreous

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